Peaceful Co-existence of all living-beings

Our intelligence does not give us the right to be clearly superior to all other living species, because they are weak and unable to speak and defend themselves. They are still sentient beings, who feel pain and suffering. Change begins with us and from our eating habits, from our choices in supermarkets, to restaurants, and to clothing stores. Information now reaches us everywhere and we cannot pretend not to know what happens in the breeding of farm animals that produce harmful emissions of CO2, or in slaughterhouses where screaming animals try to break free Produce toxins that bind meat (which we then eat) before they end their lives, slaughtered, gassed, beheaded, dismembered, skinned And then hung on a hook. And all this, after a lifetime of exploitation. To complete the picture we have our culinary “traditions” that some animals consider to be senseless, if cooked alive without pain, such as lobster, thrown into boiling water, or the eel dies in a pan Is, but what is the taste of pain? It considers animals as an assembly line to produce other animals, other food and other pleasures and to meet the growing demands of a commercial and hedonistic environment that makes us lose all sense of proportion. We proceed with blindness, even though we know clearly and scientifically that meat causes as many cases of cancer as smoking. Let us remember that respect for the planet passes with respect for animals and then progress.


But does the right to feed ourselves also give us the right to selfishly use all the resources of the planet? Does this perhaps authorize us to destroy nature and mistreat animals? Through our senseless enormity we have certainly overcome the margins of measurement, moving away from the teachings that are the basis of all relationships and religions: respect for each other, for others. We have shown such a lack of morality and for a long time we have not cared about the consequences of our actions. So I will reintroduce two words considered obsolete in my daily vocabulary. The first is garbage. Because our excesses are seen negatively in the balance of the planet, limiting resources for all. And so in the code of conduct, we should try to translate the rules of harmonious coexistence and fair share, clearly, in black and white, our duty towards animals, towards nature, towards the environment. And towards our neighbor. In this way we can automatically rediscover the value of another word: empathy.

Peaceful Coexistence: Video: Click Here

How Can We Reduce the Violence against All Non-Human Animals:

•First of all the Livestock Farming Should be totally banned and the Commodity Status of all the Animals should be discarded and “All Living Beings Rights Commission” Should be set up to govern the rights & Limits of all living beings and for the Peaceful Coexistence of All Living Species on the Earth and for the welfare of All living beings. Some Strict rules should be made against the violence of all Non-Human Animals if any body found guilty of teasing or killing any Animal should be punished.

•The Population of the whole world is Approximately 800 Crore. If we control the birth rate by making awareness & motivating the people and adopting the birth rate control methods to control it to the extent so that the sufficient resources required for the Survival of all Human beings can be fulfilled without violating the Non-Human Animals.

•Similarly We can control the population of all Non-Human Animals by adopting the Scientific methods of birth control so that there should be available sufficient resources required for the survival of all living beings without harming any Animal.

•Some people argue that Plants are also the Living things. Ok, but by following the above methods at least we will be able to stop violence against more than 80 Billions of Animals per Year. Even due to the control on Population of all living beings, we will be able to reduce the consumption of Plants based things also. Some other alternate products may be used instead of woods & wooden products to reduce the consumption of trees. Hence ultimately we can reduce the consumption of Plants & trees also to a great extent. As advance research is going on in the field of Food & Nutrition and all other Life Style Products, hope our Scientists may be able to discover very soon some more alternate resources of Food & Nutrition and Life Style Products other than the based on Plants & Trees.

Hence we can reduce the Violence against all living beings for the Peaceful Co-existence of all living Species.

  1. The World’s Cutest Interspecies Friendships: Video: Click Here

2. Best UNUSUAL Animal Interspecies Friendships Compilation: Video: Click Here

3. Heartwarming Animal Friendships Between Different Species: Videos: Click Here

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