Guest of Honors
Senior Citizens may act as the best mentors for the society. Senior Citizens can make a difference. The older generations survived vital changes, challenges, and improvements in society. They witnessed wars, the winning of the rights of all genders and races to vote, the creation of space travel, and the invention of the Internet. Placing them in proximity to younger people means that many of these lessons and values can be passed on.
Further, seniors should be an active part of the workforce and in community efforts. Seniors who live alone or in nursing homes often become isolated from society. This increases their risks of falling victim to serious social and emotional health dangers. By actively seeking out older people to get involved in companies and community Organizations, society can continue to learn from them and allow them to shape a better future with their knowledge and experience.
Therefore there should be a Senior Citizens Cell of all retired persons for each & every Public & Private Ltd. Organization, Company, Corporate, Department etc., separately. All those Retired Senior Citizens who want to work as a Mentor for their Organization/Department should be elected as the Executive members of the Management by all the Retired Senior Citizens of their corresponding Senior Citizen Cell. Rest of the Retired Senior Citizens who want to provide their services further more for the development of their Company/Department, may be assigned some job as per their ability keeping in mind their work Experience & interest. All the Organizations/ Corporate must have their own Scientific & Industrial Research Department separately for the Development of their Organization. All the Departments e.g. H. R. Department, Operation & Commercial Department, R&D (Research & Development) and L P (Loss Prevention) Department etc. should be under the Senior Citizens Cell of the corresponding Company/Corporate.(Age should be <50-75> Yrs.)
I, Subhash Goel (Social Activist) Invites all the Retired Senior Citizens as a “Guest of Honor” at the Seminar to seek their Valuable Opinion, Guidance & Feedback.However All Retired Intellectuals as stated above may share their Views & Ideas through Videos & Presentations based on the Projects as undermentioned in “Vision & Mission”, Via Twitter, Instagram, F.B., Email & You tube Chanel.
Please feel free to interact with us via Social Media through the Links: Click Here
Guest Of Honor’s Invitation